The 2015 Clinical Practice Guidelines summarize the evidence from approximately 354 randomized controlled trials in the area of critical care nutrition since 1980.
The included studies have undergone a formal review process by the Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee and provide the latest and best evidence for clinical practice in the various areas of critical care nutrition. These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG).
List of new randomized controlled trials included under each topic (n=41)
Highlights of the 2015 Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines
Summarizes the evidence from 41 new randomized controlled trials since the 2013 Guidelines
There are a total of 46 recommendations under 12 main topics and several sub topics
New! There are 2 new sections in the 2015 CPGs. Enteral Glutamine vs Parenteral Dipeptide Supplementation is under the topic PN Glutamine (topic 9) and Vitamin C is under the topic Antioxidant Strategies (topic 11).
Updated August 2015
3. Nutritional Prescription (dose) of Enteral Nutrition
3.3 Intentional Underfeeding
4. Composition of Enteral Nutrition
4.1 Immune Enhancing Diets
4.2 Carbohydrate/Fat
5. Strategies to Optimize Delivery and Minimize risk of Enteral Nutrition
6. Enteral Nutrition: Other
7. Enteral Nutrition plus Parenteral Nutrition
9. Composition of Parenteral Nutrition
9.4 Parenteral Glutamine
9.4c Enteral Glutamine vs Parenteral Dipeptide Supplementation

May 2015
10. Strategies to Optimize Parenteral Nutrition
10.4 Insulin and Glucose Control
11. Supplemental Antioxidants
11.3 Vitamin C Supplementation

May 2015