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OPTICs stands for Optimal Nutrition by Informing and Capacitating Family Members of Best Practices. The OPTICs trial focused on a family centred nutrition intervention designed to educate families about the importance of nutrition during and following recovery from critical illness. It aimed at encouraging families to advocate for better nutrition on behalf of their critically ill family member. The OPTICs intervention has also been incorporated into the current IMPACT trial.

The nutrition tools below were created for the OPTICs trial and revised for the IMPACT trial. We have made them publically available and encourage Registered Dietitians to use them in their clinical practice.

Tool Description  Link 

Nutrition Education Booklet

This booklet is intended to be used by the Registered Dietitian when providing education to the family members of critically ill patients. It reviews the types of nutrition the patient may receive in ICU and on the ward, including EN, PN and oral nutrition. Included are details on the risks and benefits of nutrition support, transitioning from nutrition support to oral nutrition, and nutrition risks of this population. The booklet provides information to help the family approach and ask questions of the health care team.


Nutrition Diary

This is an oral intake audit tool the family can use to record the patient's intake at each meal when the patient is eating by mouth. The Registered Dietitian should review the tool with the family so they understand how to use it. It is meant to be used as a prompt for families to recognize poor oral intake and barriers to oral intake, in order for the family to approach the health care team with their concerns and to support the patient to improve their oral intake.


Nutrition Videos

ICU Nutrition Education: This video reviews the educational material found in the Nutrition Education Booklet to provide an additional education method and visuals for the family member while the patient is in ICU.


Talking to the ICU Health Care Team: This video models to the family member how to engage the ICU health care team and gives examples of appropriate questions to ask. It elaborates on the information about talking with the ICU health care team that is found in the Nutrition Education Booklet.

Ward Education: This video elaborates on the educational material found in the Nutrition Education Booklet and focuses on nutrition on the ward and the transition from ICU.

Talking to the Ward Health Care Team: This video models to the family member how to engage the ward health care team and gives examples of appropriate questions to ask, specific to nutrition on the ward. It elaborates on the information about talking with the ward health care team that is found in the Nutrition Education Booklet.

OPTICs  papers

A 2016 publication of the results of the OPTICs feasibility study conducted at 2 Australian hospitals.

A 2017 publication of the results of the continued OPTICs feasibility study conducted at 2 Australian and 2 Canadian hospitals.

IMPACT protocol paper

A 2018 publication of the IMPACT protocol by Heyland et al.


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