Validation of Bedside Ultrasound of Muscle Layer Thickness of the Quadriceps in the Critically Ill Patient: The VALIDUM Study
Objective : To evaluate the validity of bedside ultrasounds (US) of quadriceps muscle layer thickness (QMLT) and Multiple Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (MF-BIA) by comparing measurements from US and MF-BIA to those estimates of lean body mass obtained from CT scans of the abdomen when done for clinical reasons.
Hypothesis: We expect to observe a high degree of correlation between the baseline CT scan, US and MF-BIA and the changes in US measures and MF-BIA over time to correlate with changes to CT scan measures of lean body mass.
Study Design: This is a multi center, prospective, observation study across 5-6 intensive care units which will enroll 200 patients over a 12 month enrollment period followed by a 6 month period to complete data analysis.
Status: Erollment is complete.