The scientific leadership of our organization:
Dr Daren Heyland is a Professor of Medicine at Queen's University ad the Director or the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (, Critical Care Nutrition ( and The Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network ( He is trained in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Clinical Epidemiology. Overall, Dr. Heyland has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers, raised more than $114 million in external grant support including more than $55 million from CIHR, and given over 380 international presentations.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Dr. C. Stoppe, FAHA, FESC
Dr. Stoppe, Professor at Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine, University Hospital Wuerzburg, Deutschland is developing and leading several international clinical trials in the field of cardiac surgery and nutrition. Together with Dr. Heyland and his international collaborators, he has built an international clinical research trial group and received several grants from DFG (German Research Foundation), CHIR and other funding agencies for his clinical studies. His research focuses on nutrition studies (micro- & macronutrients, EN/PN, perioperative optimization strategies & risk assessment), translational studies and organ protective strategies for cardiac surgery and critically ill patients. Dr. Stoppe has >170 publications, has given many talks at international congresses and repeatedly serves as an ESPEN lecturer for international courses on nutrition and metabolism. He is a member of the German Nutrition Guidelines Committee.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @CStoppe
Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine
University Hospital Wuerzburg, Clinical Evaluation Research Unit
Würzburg, Germany.
Dr. Jayshil (Jay) Patel is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, he cares for critically ill patients, teaches, and conducts research to identify best critical care nutrition practices, including testing micro- and macronutrients as forms of therapy in septic shock.
Andrew Day
Andrew Day (MSc. statistics) has been the senior biostatistician for the Kingston General Health Research Institute (KGHRI) and the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (CERU) for the past 18 years and was previously a biostatistician for 7 years at the Canadian Cancer Trials Group. Mr. Day has been responsible for the statistical aspects of the design, conduct, analysis and reporting for hundreds of diverse studies including over 50 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). He is the lead statistician for all research at CERU.
Mr. Day has supervised students and taught graduate courses in the departments of Public Health Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics at Queen’s University. Mr. Day is a long standing member of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research RCT Committee, serves on several data monitoring committees, and is a regular statistical reviewer for medical journals.
Click here for a list of his publications
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Kingston General Hospital
76 Stuart Street
Kingston, ON
K7L 2V7
613-549-6666 x 4998
Jennifer Korol
Coming from a background in Respiratory Therapy, Jennifer is a long time employee of CERU. With 18 years of experience in a variety of roles, she is currently the Project Leader for both investigator initiated and industry sponsored multi-centre, clinical trials in the areas of adult critical care and in the outpatient hemodialysis and metabolic syndrome populations. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Maureen Dansereau
Maureen started at the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (CERU) at Kingston Health Sciences Centre in 2010. She came to CERU with a background in patient care, x-ray, and laboratory as well as several years of research experience including trials in auto-immune disorders, osteoporosis, and arthritis. She is currently the Project Leader: The VICToRY Pilot Trial, a multi-centre, international, randomized controlled trial of high dose intravenous vitamin C in critically ill burn injured patients.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shawna Froese
Shawna Froese, BSc is the Data Manager at the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (CERU). She has experience in patient recruitment and screening, chart review, data collection and entry. She started at CERU in 2009 and took over data management for the CIHR funded REDOXS. Her role has evolved into REDCap and CRS database design, REDCap builds, and query writing. In addition to Data Management, she is currently the Project Leader for the NEXIS Trial, a multi-center, randomized controlled trial of combined cycle ergometry and Amino Acids in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luis (Alfonso) Ortiz
Alfonso Ortiz, MSc. is a Research Coordinator. Alfonso obtained a BSc in Nutrition in Mexico and has been trained in Biostatistics and Clinical Trials Designs by Harvard University. He was part of a Research Fellowship in Critical Care and Trauma at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,USA, where he co-authored publications in the field of Critical Care Nutrition under Dr. Dante Yeh mentorship. Alfonso has collaborated with >200 ICUs from Canada, USA, Europe, Asia, and Latin America in the conduction of international large RCTs: The RE-ENERGIZE, EFFORT, and VICToRY. He is also a member of the review committees of the critical care systematic reviews. Alfonzo enjoys a variety of outdoor activities such as biking, camping and training for triathlons (sometimes he shovels snow).
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zheng-Yii Lee obtained his BSc (Dietetics) and MSc (Clinical Nutrition) from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and PhD from University of Malaya. He has a strong interest in critical care nutrition research and has published several original and review papers in this area. Currently, he is conducting a randomized controlled trial, "The Effect of High Protein and Early Resistance Exercise Versus Usual Care in Critically Ill Patients" (EFFORT-X Trial). He is also one of the review committees of the critical care systematic reviews.
Department of Anesthesiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya

Dr. med. Aileen Hill (MD) is a clinician scientist, working, teaching and performing research in Intensive Care Medicine and Anesthesiology at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. Her research focuses perioperative optimization, with a special emphasis on clinical trials and meta-analysis. Her focus is to improve the physical and functional outcomes of critically ill patients through nutrition, re- and prehabilitation, as well as on the modulation of systemic inflammation and prevention of organ dysfunction through micronutrients. Dr. Hill has over 50 publications, has given many lectures at international and national congresses and is a recognized teacher for life-long learning at ESPEN society.
- Early Career Faculty Member ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism)
- European Society for Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), Section FREM
- German Societies for Nutrition (DGEM), Sections Nutrition and YoungDGEM
- German Society for Intensive Care (DIVI), Section Nutrition and Metabolism and YoungDIVI
- Associate Editor Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
How to connect:
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Twitter: @AileenHill_ICU
- Research Gate:
- LinkedIn:
Ellen Dresen
Ellen Dresen is a Doctor of Nutrition and Food Sciences (Dr. troph.) with a strong interest in critical care nutrition and doing research on various medical nutrition therapy approaches in different patient populations. She conducted an RCT evaluating the effects of different protein dosages on the skeletal muscle mass changes in adult ICU patients. As a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine at the University Hospital of Wuerzburg she is currently involved in diverse research projects (e.g., INS, VICToRY, critical care systematic reviews).
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lu Ke
Dr. Lu Ke is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Nanjing University, China. He is trained in Surgery and Critical Care Medicine. He is a key member and founder of the Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group (CAPCTG) and the Chinese Critical Care Nutrition Trials Group (CCCNTG). He is the leading investigator on a number of large-scale, multicenter clinical trials concerning acute pancreatitis and critical care nutrition. Overall, Dr. Lu Ke has published 110+peer-reviewed papers, and given more than 100 scientific presentations in and out of China.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.